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Round 1 & 2 Wrap Up

The wait is over, our 2024 season has officially started! Here is your Round 1 & 2 Wrap Up!

Round 1

The Wildcats Men’s premiership took home the win in a close match against the North

London Lions Men Premiership side, with only 8 points separating them. Goals – Wildcats

C McDougall (3), S Bradley (2), Lions – M White (3), A Walkden (2).

Whilst the West London Wildcats Women’s Conference won by a significant 27 points,

against the Wimbledon Hawks Women’s Conference. Goals – Wildcats M Riley (2), Hawks

– G O’Connor (1)

In nail biting match The Wimbledon Hawks Men’s conference claimed their win against the

Shepherd’s Bush Raiders with only a 5 point margin. Goals – Raiders F Lappin (2), Hawks T

Magee (2)

We saw the 2023 Men’s Conference Grand finalists , London Swans and Wandsworth

Demons take to the field. Determined to start the season the way they finished, the Demons

claimed their win against the Swans with a margin of 85 points. Goals Swans D Kapnias , A

Wijayskumara, Demons B Grewar (5), B Barnett (3), J Rolfe (2)

The Demons Men-Social followed their lead with a large win against the Swans Men- Social

, winning by 33 points. Goals – Swans M Oddy (1), Demons M Nicholson (3), D Radis (2), L

Murphy (1)

The Swans Women’s Conference brought some light for the day at Hackney taking home a

massive win for their club, with 6 goals and 7 points, keeping the Demons Women’s

Conference scoreless for the entirety of the match. Goals Swans C Fisher, I Heart, B

Humble, E Law, S McMaster, H Receveur

Over in Peckham, we saw the South East London Giants play the Wandsworth Demons

premiership side. Game was close throughout with scoring low and sole goal of the game

coming in the final quarter for the Demons. Goal Demons – C Schooley


Round 2

Wandsworth Demons were determined to show the opposition that Clapham Common was

their home ground, with the Club taking home 3 wins from the Men’s-Premiership, Mens-

Social and Women’s conference teams. Scores below.

Men’s Premiership

  • Wandsworth Demons 7.11.53 vs West London Wildcats 4.4.28

Men’s Social

  • Wandsworth Demons 5.12.42 vs West London Wildcats 2.3.15

Women’s Conference

  • Wandsworth Demons 1.4.10 vs West London Wildcats 0.0.0

(Wandsworth Demons v West London Wildcats Men’s Conference game determined


Wimbledon Hawks Men’s-Conference claim their second win for the season by 20 points

against the London Swans Men’s-Conference down at Hackney Marshes.

  • Wimbledon Hawks 7.9.51 vs London Swans 4.7.31

North London Lions Men’s-Social won by 1 goal in an extremely close match against Sussex


  • Sussex Swans 5.3.33 vs North London Lions 6.3.39

Whilst the South East London Giants Men’s-Social dominated against the London Swans

Men’s Social with a 92 point margin, keeping the Swans at 0 goals at final siren.

  • London Swans 0.3.3 vs South East London Giants 14.11.95

North London Lions & West London Wildcats Women’s premiership have won their first

game of the season against Sussex Swans & Wandsworth Demons Women’s Premiership.

With the Cats keeping the demons at 0. Scores below.

  • North London Lions 4.5.29 vs Sussex Swans 2.2.14

  • Wandsworth Demons Women’s 0.0.0 vs West London Wildcats 3.4.22

The London Swans Women’s Conference claimed their second win for the season against

South East London Giants, winning by 24 points down at Hackney Marshes.

  • London Swans 5.6.36 vs South East London Giants 2.0.12

Head over to the results page on our website for final results and league table for Round 1 &


Check out our social media for photos from the Round 1 match in Peckham and all three

matches out in Chiswick, and to stay updated for Round 2 photos.

Thanks to Gary Brigden (@garybrigdenphotography) for photos.

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